coffee enemas

That’s right there is another way you can “enjoy” coffee!

Coffee Enemas are a powerful detoxification tool. They not only soften stools and clear out waste like a water enema, they also help to detoxify the liver.

why is the liver so important?

The liver has over 500 known functions, but it’s main role is detoxification. The liver filters and removes toxins from our blood which it then packages up in bile so it can be excreted from the body.

Exposure to too many toxins can cause bile to become a sludge, which makes it harder for the body to remove toxic waste. This can lead to toxins being reabsorbed into the blood and accumulating elsewhere in the body.

Coffee enemas help to stimulate the release of bile so toxins can be released from the liver and removed in the stool.

Coffee also increases the level of the antioxidant glutathione which helps to prevent damage from free radicals and heavy metals in the body.

what else can enemas help with?

Reduce digestive discomfort - Constipation, diarrhoea, IBS symptoms, gas and bloating. It can also help to remove parasites as well as clear and prevent candida overgrowth. 

Promote liver detoxification - Coffee enemas can help to stimulate detoxification through blood and digestion. They can also help to remove heavy metals and reduce the body’s toxic load.

Reduce inflammation - Which can help to reduce pain and discomfort.

Aid other conditions such as - weight loss, skin conditions, immune health, fatigue, anxiety, depression, PMS and period pain

can’t I just drink coffee?

You can still enjoy your coffee (as long as it doesn’t increase anxiety or upset your tummy) however coffee through the rectum acts on the body differently. Different compounds are made available as they are not altered by stomach acid. They can also reach the liver a lot faster through the hepatic portal vein.

how do I do a coffee enema?

For information on how to do a water enema, read this blog here.

If you want to give a coffee enema a going download Kirsty’s simple how-to guide below.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Listen to the Glowing Mumma Thriving Bubba Podcast to hear Kirsty chatting about coffee enemas.

happy bum bag - complete enema kit
happy bum co - coffee beans

gut health and pregnancy


what is an enema?