the benifits of toilet stools
Is there anything worse than feeling all squished up? Imagine how your poop must feel as it descends down through your colon only to be met by a ‘kink in the hose’, so to speak.
This is why we use and recommend using a Toilet or Squat Stool like the PROPPR.
Now while we can actually find the ‘kinks and bends’ in our colon handy to stop the flow when you don’t want to poop, when you are actually ready to do the business, you need to find a way to tell the muscles to relax.
When we are in a seated position on the loo we are actually working against gravity and keeping our colon bent out of shape for elimination with ease.
Image Credit: PROPPR
To give your poop free and uninterrupted passage to exit your colon (and your body) squatting is the optimum position to take. Squatting will relax your muscles, helping to prevent straining and allow you to eliminate your waste fully.
This will help to maintain good colon health and also help to prevent a build-up of poop in your colon. The benefit of this is that you can start absorbing all your nutrients from the food you eat and enjoy your day filled with more energy. Now that sounds like a great day to me!
Oh, and if you love to travel and enjoy a holiday but don’t enjoy that feeling of not being able to poop while away, then pack your PROPPR Squat Stool. When trying to poop, a relaxed colon with a clear passage to eliminate waste is a happy colon.
We like to be helpful, so we stock PROPPR toilet stool in a few different colours to suit your décor. The squat Stool is available online for purchase, or grab one next time you are in the clinic.